Are you looking for a professional reorientation? Start your 5-week coaching training to become certified HOLEA coach now
Your path to financial independence by building a second pillar in the compatibility of family and career.

As a trained coach, support your fellow human beings in finding their own fulfilment and thus contribute to a mindful coexistence in society.

Learn to know your own intuitions with the proven HOLEA coaching method and activate your creative selfpower to strengthen your natural abilities and make conscious decisions.

The online HOLEA Life Coach training opens the doors to financial independence, to earn money from home or to become self-employed on a part-time basis.

Get support from other HOLEA coaches during your coaching training and benefit from personal exchange in monthly supervisions.

Benefit from our interactive learning platform, in which you can easily learn the HOLEA coaching method in 5 weeks - independent of time and place.
HOLEA is one of the most effective life coach trainings on the market.

Career Changer
You are looking for a high quality coaching education and your personal development and self-realisation are in the foreground? You want to finally realise your own life goals and sharpen your holistic view of life in all its facets.

Full-time Employees
You have been unhappy in your job for a long time and want to become self-employed on the side or earn extra money to be financially independent? Are you looking for an opportunity for personal and holistic development that you can fit in alongside your full-time job?
Are you a mum and wondering what you can do as a self-employed woman to work from home? So that you can reconcile family and career in a relaxed way and devote yourself much more holistically to raising your children.

For whom is the HOLEA coaching training perfectly suited?
Your work-life balancehas little to do with balance right now and you keep putting your own needs second?

You ask yourself how, with all the stress, you can still fit in coaching training to build up a second livelihood.

You are trapped in your hamster wheel of dissatisfactions and only function more instead of realising your own life goals and unfolding your potential

You are struggling to balance your job, family commitments and free time and wonder how you can earn income on the side to be financially independent.

Start your personal development now with our 5-week online HOLEA Coach training and write your success story
With the sustainable and holistic coaching training you start directly into self-employment from home after only 5 weeks of online training. Benefit from HOLEA Life Coach training and optimization in the areas of health, wealth & relationship.
Your holistic coaching training to use the opportunity to earn money flexibly in your home office and at the same time develop your potential. Further education alongside family or full-time job? Our intuitive learning concept makes all this possible. You learn when, where and how you want, regardless of time and place.
For your mindful and stress-free life in harmony with your own needs and family commitments in order to achieve your personal and professional goals.
Personal growth and self-realisation through the in-service coaching training where you will be personally accompanied by mentors and supervisors on your way to financial independence.
What our customers say
Claudia Tastel
"The next steps are now very clear to me. I have slept very well and through the last two nights, I have also started my morning routines again. Thank you for everything, I feel like now is exactly the right time for change!"

Catharina Rocchi
"After HOLEA, it is much easier for me to take on the strenuous daily business and the challenges. It has opened up new perspectives and thus room for manoeuvre. I feel freer and more confident and it is even noticeable in my private life. Your almost casual comment in response to my statement "I probably let too much get to me": "You also let too much out!" has a good effect and I have done things differently, especially in contact with my family. It helps!

Claudia C.
"I am more positive again and also think more positively. Even if decisions have already been made. I am more open to what is coming. HOLEA has taken away emotional pressure and sadness and anger. I am more relieved and content and more with myself."

Marie, 14, schoolgirl
"It was and is totally liberating, as if a heavy lump has been removed from my heart. I now know what I can do to make myself feel better in this situation."

The contents of the HOLEA Coach training:
Your Personal Bonuses:
The contents of the HOLEA coaching training for executives
5 e-learning weeks with 16 interactive coaching sessions for every learning type for visual, auditory, haptic and cognitive learning - an ingenious combination of playful learning and proven didactic methods
Daily assignments and practical exercises to reinforce the learned content and methods and to check your own learning progress
Specially designed interactive coaching sessions in the areas of breathing, perception, personal development, motivation and body awareness
Evolutionary and transformative structure of the training according to the principle of Mircolearning, so that learning is fun
Various course plans and instructions that facilitate your work as a HOLEA life coach, e.g. instructions for silent HOLEA meditation or a coaching plan for 7 days so that your coachees can continue to work independently without your support
Your Personal Bonuses:
In our interactive learning environment you can listen to all spoken learning content from a female or male voice (The value of this BONUS cannot be paid for with money).
Monthly online calls with supervisions in which we are personally there for you with all your concerns
Community platform for exchange and other participants
Mentors Advice: Your personal mentors support you on your way and are always available on our platform for questions
1 year unlimited access to the entire content of the platform: learning content, supervisions, exchange in the community and with your mentors
Digital diary to reflect on every day

The training to become a certified HOLEA Coach has a total value of over
Our personal offer for you to start your financial independence today:
Your state significantly determines your outcome in a coaching session.

The contents of the HOLEA Coach training
This is what awaits you in the HOLEA coaching training

Benefit from our innovative learning platform: learning content, exchange with other participants and mentors, as well as the supervisions - all this takes place on one platform.

Receive personal support on your way to financial independence through personal exchange with your mentors and other participants.

Learn to be aware of yourself and your own needs through intuition training and activate your creative self-power to find your fulfillment and realize your life goals.

Realize the power of the impact of our process-oriented coaching method by combining proven methods such as meditation, mindfulness & intuition training, microlearning, sensory awareness, state training and much more.

Work through all modules of the coaching training at your own pace - independent of time and place. Benefit from our interactive learning method to acquire knowledge on a subconscious level in the long term.

The contents of the HOLEA Coach training:
Your Personal Bonuses:

Book a free strategy talk now!
This is what awaits you in the HOLEA COACHING training

Your Personal Bonuses:

The training to become a certified HOLEA Coach has a total value of over € 20000,00
Our personal offer for you to start your financial independence today: €3690
In a free strategy meeting, we will find out together whether the training to become a certified HOLEA Life Coach is the right path for you.
You will get first insights into the process-oriented
HOLEA method and team, as well as an honest assessment from us.With the HOLEA coaching training you invest not only in your professional self-realisation, but also in your own well-being and personal development. The intuition training will not only help you to perceive yourself, but also your environment with completely different eyes and to direct your energy to the really important things in life.
You get access to an exclusive learning platform where you can find all the learning materials. These are divided into individual modules for you, so that you have a precise learning plan for each day. This learning plan also offers you flexibility, because you can study when and where you want. If you want to take more than 5 weeks, that's no problem either, because you have full access to all learning content for 1 year.
If you take 1 hour a day, 5 days a week, you can complete the HOLEA coaching training in 5 weeks.
The learning plan is a recommendation from us, but if you want to take more time, that's no problem. You can set your own learning pace on your way to a self-determined life.After the training you can directly start your own business as a certified HOLEA coach. You benefit from a whole year of mentoring and supervision. We are always available to answer your questions and support you in the best possible way on your path.
HOLEA is a process-oriented coaching method based on the use of an inner picture made visible on the outside. In this approach, the client is guided to look at this inner picture with neutral and wondering child's eyes, free of connections and tensions.
During this process, the client is encouraged to connect to this inner image in a new way. This transition takes the client from a state of powerlessness to creative empowerment, and at the end of this inner journey, they find a deeper connection to themselves.
The result of this approach is increased clarity for the client about what next step he or she should take in his or her own life journey. In this state of creative empowerment, the client is in an optimal state to recognize and implement the necessary steps on his or her personal development path.
Frequently asked questions
HOLEA is a methodology that emerged intuitively and touched me deeply in my heart. It simply has everything you need, whether it's about transformation, change, growth or creation. Through this holistic perspective I have gained a completely new perspective and experienced how simple and easy it can be. Every HOLEA coaching is a gift. It is a magic moment every time people go home totally changed, finally feeling themselves and consciously acting from the heart. HOLEA changes, and that is exactly why we want to bring it out into the world. The thought of my first HOLEA experience still touches me and makes me marvel. This is exactly the moment I would like to give to many people out there.
Rosa Maria, CoFounder of HOLEA

We, Rosa Maria and Hannes Stefan, have both spent a lot of time in different trainings without achieving the desired results. Hannes Stefan, as an entrepreneur, was always under pressure to train his managers quickly and effectively so that they could conduct efficient employee coaching themselves. In doing so, he repeatedly encountered difficulties in conducting effective staff appraisals. It was precisely this situation that gave rise to the HOLEA method. Rosa Maria was sceptical at the beginning whether the intuitive coaching method really works, but she convinced herself of its effect and now even trains HOLEA coaches herself with enthusiasm
We are Hannes Stefan and Rosa Maria
The founders of HOLEA Coaching
What the certified HOLEA coaches say
Karin Solar
Body-Skin-Soul Balance Practice
I was looking for further training and found out about HOLEA through a recommendation. The stories about the HOLEA method immediately touched my heart. The beauty of HOLEA is that I can easily integrate the method into my everyday life and have a positive start to each new day thanks to the daily exercises. I am even more in touch with myself and my way of thinking has changed. I can heartily recommend HOLEA to anyone who is interested in inner and outer growth. It doesn't matter if you are a therapist, alternative practitioner, psychologist or self-employed. HOLEA is an enrichment for everyone who works with people.

Sarah Schneider
My experience with HOLEA was very inspiring and pure growth for me. Especially the effect in the simplicity of the approach was surprising for me. I can use this method creatively in my energy and am always impressed by how nourishing it is. I can use it very easily. It needs hardly any preparation and equipment and can be easily adapted to any situation and coachee. This sober, clear view is very supportive for my work as a coach. I have meanwhile incorporated the individual methods, such as silent meditation and alignment, into my everyday life. I find the method particularly suitable for people who are looking for down-to-earth, holistic, clear coaching that makes change quickly noticeable and sets anchor points for change and balance in everyday life.

Daniela Gaigg
The HOLEA coaching training was a total enrichment for me in its holistic way. It has helped me to take a more neutral view and I notice clearly that I judge situations less and often simply experience and accept them as they come. HOLEA has inspired and enthused me, so much so that I have recommended it to others around me a few times. In my opinion, the HOLEA method is suitable for everyone who is looking for personal development with a holistic approach.

5 e-learning modules with 16 interactive coaching sessions for every learning type for visual, auditory, haptic and cognitive learning - an ingenious combination of playful learning and proven didactic methods (value € 3999,00)
Daily task and practical exercises to deepen the learned contents and methods and to check your own learning progress (value € 2949,00)
Specially developed interactive coaching sessions in the area of breathing, perception, personal development, motivation and body awareness(value € 2399,00)
Evolutionary and transformative structure of the training according to the principle of Mircolearningso that learning is fun(value € 1799,00)
Various course plans and instructions that make your work as a HOLEA coach easier, e.g. instructions for silent HOLEA meditation or a coaching plan for 7 days so that your coachees can continue to work independently without your support (value € 899.00)
In our interactive learning environment you can listen to all spoken learning content from a female or male voice (The value of this BONUS cannot be paid for with money).
Monthly online calls with supervisions in which we are personally there for you with all your concerns(value € 2399,00)
Community platform for exchange and other participants (value € 899,00)
Mentors Advice: Your personal mentors support you on your way and are always available on our platform for questions (value € 1399,00)
1 year unlimited access to the entire content of the platform: learning content, supervisions, exchange in the community and with your mentors (value € 1299,00)
Digital Diary to Reflect on Every Day (Value € 149,00)
Start your journey to financial independence now with HOLEA - one of the most effective coaching methods on the market

Benefit from the experience of other HOLEA coaches who support you as mentors on your personal path to financial independence.

Break out of the hamster wheel, realise your life goals and develop your full potential as a self-employed coach to make your positive contribution to a mindful society.

Complete the HOLEA coaching training to earn money from home as a certified HOLEA coach in just 5 weeks and become self-employed (part-time).

Complete your online coaching training as a HOLEA life coach Independent of time and place, when and how you want.

Start your journey to independent living by optimizing in the areas of health, wealth and relationships.

In 3 steps to financial freedom as a certified HOLEA coach
Book a free strategy talk
Learn the HOLEA coaching method in online training independent of time and place
Starting your own business as a certified HOLEA Coach